The Trainer 1000 provides realistic training in a device that utilizes the same screen messages, audible tones and voice prompts as those found in the LIFEPAK 1000 defibrillator, but without live energy. Helps guide users-in-training through simulated analysis, energy delivery and prompted CPR intervals.
The Trainer 1000 provides realistic training in a device that utilizes the same screen messages, audible tones and voice prompts as those found in the LIFEPAK 1000 defibrillator, but without live energy. Helps guide users-in-training through simulated analysis, energy delivery and prompted CPR intervals.
Target audience:
Large organizations with multiple training sessions or organizations without access to a LIFEPAK 1000 defibrillator for training. Also great for CPR/AED users who want more hands-on training or more advanced BLS/ALS users who want practice using Manual Mode for defibrillation.
Benefits include:
• Train using simulated device that mimics LIFEPAK 1000
defibrillator features including cprMAX technology
• Wireless remote control enables dynamic custom training event
• Rechargeable trainer battery for cost-effective, high use training
• Your LIFEPAK 1000 defibrillator does not have to be taken out of
service to conduct training
The Physio-Control LifePak 1000 Includes: